
by Rabindranath Tagore

Genre: Drama
Setting: International
Format of Original Source: Short Story
Recommended Adaptation Length:

Candidate for Adaptation? Not Reviewed


When I was a very young wife, I gave birth to a dead child, and came near to death myself. I recovered strength very slowly, and my eyesight became weaker and weaker.

My husband at this time was studying medicine. He was not altogether sorry to have a chance of testing his medical knowledge on me. So he began to treat my eyes himself.

My elder brother was reading for his law examination. One day he came to see me, and was alarmed at my condition.

“What are you doing?” he said to my husband. “You are ruining Kumo’s eyes. You ought to consult a good doctor at once.”

My husband said irritably: “Why! what can a good doctor do more than I am doing? The case is quite a simple one, and the remedies are all well known.”

Dada answered with scorn: “I suppose you think there is no difference between you and a Professor in your own Medical College.”

My husband replied angrily: “If you ever get married, and there is a dispute about your wife’s property, you won’t take my advice about Law. Why, then, do you now come advising me about Medicine?”


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