Dark Lady

Book, Lyrics and Music by Alexa Babakhanian

Contact Email: Lexakhan@icloud.com

What would happen if Shakespeare wasn’t really Shakespeare? There is real supporting evidence. What if he was really Amelia Bassano, a dark, hidden Venetian Jew and the first woman poet published in England? And, what if this was revealed by Elizabethan characters transported by a spell cast by the faerie called Puck to our time to mingle and join forces with characters of present day for the purpose to right historical wrongs culminating in a trial involving Shakespeare vs Amelia Bassano to determine authorship overseen by Queen Elizabeth the 1st?  All the while fueled by social media and pop culture. Come along for the ride and discover The Dark Lady who has been hiding in plain sight for all to see for 400 years. For if you believe all’s well that ends well, your quoting Shakespeare or are you quoting Bassano?




Book, Lyrics and Music by Alexa Babakhanian

2 act with intermission

2 ½ hours 

28 songs.

Production could be as sparse or as grand as one can envision or afford.


“Dark Lady” about Amelia Bassano who many consider Shakespeare’s muse depicted in his sonnets is my latest artistic offering in the form of a humorous, whimsical and at times poignant musical set in modern day featuring a culturally diverse cast of 7 main players with an additional 3 or 4  for ensemble and specific scenes.


The score includes beatboxing, hip hop, classical and pop music supporting Shakespeare and Bassano’s interplay between their written words as well as my own unique and playful style.


Currently spearheaded by Producer Victoria Meakin, Chair of Soho Rep Theater.


We have workshopped and presented three salons and will be presenting a 35 minute mini musical of highlights of the 2 act show this June to pitch to investors and producers. Dark Lady was also presented in the Minnesota Fringe festival.


This show is for girls, boys and any one who’s felt like an other which is all of us, isn’t it? 


You will leave this show learning about the first woman writer published in England and her work and looking at Shakespeare’s canon through a different lense while discovering the words and music of me, Alexa Babakhanian.

We have workshopped and presented three salons and will be presenting a 35 minute mini musical of highlights of the 2 act show this June to pitch to investors and producers. Dark Lady was also presented in the Minnesota Fringe festival.


Published writer, performer and composer, Alexa Babakhanian holds 2 degrees from the Juilliard school. Babakhanian champions, gives voice to and represents the unrepresented through her artistic output.


Her work “I Care Do You?” in collaboration with Malala was presented at The UN.


Her song “A Million Me’s” was featured at the Women’s March On Washington.


Her song cycle and Opera championing the Women Of Don Quixote was premiered at Lincoln Center where she was artist in residence.


Her work “Dark Lady” about Amelia Bassano who many consider Shakespeare’s muse depicted in his sonnets is her latest artistic offering in the form of a humorous, whimsical musical set in modern day featuring a culturally diverse cast. 


Her dynamic score includes beatboxing, hip hop, classical and pop music supporting Shakespeare and Bassano’s interplay between their written words as well as Babakhanian’s own unique and playful style.


Currently spearheaded by Producer Victoria Meakin, Chair of Soho Rep Theater.


Dark Lady

Book, Lyrics and Music by Alexa Babakhanian

Contact Email: Lexakhan@icloud.com

What would happen if Shakespeare wasn’t really Shakespeare? There is real supporting evidence. What if he was really Amelia Bassano, a dark, hidden Venetian Jew and the first woman poet published in England? And, what if this was revealed by Elizabethan characters transported by a spell cast by the faerie called Puck to our time to mingle and join forces with characters of present day for the purpose to right historical wrongs culminating in a trial involving Shakespeare vs Amelia Bassano to determine authorship overseen by Queen Elizabeth the 1st?  All the while fueled by social media and pop culture. Come along for the ride and discover The Dark Lady who has been hiding in plain sight for all to see for 400 years. For if you believe all’s well that ends well, your quoting Shakespeare or are you quoting Bassano?




Book, Lyrics and Music by Alexa Babakhanian

2 act with intermission

2 ½ hours 

28 songs.

Production could be as sparse or as grand as one can envision or afford.


“Dark Lady” about Amelia Bassano who many consider Shakespeare’s muse depicted in his sonnets is my latest artistic offering in the form of a humorous, whimsical and at times poignant musical set in modern day featuring a culturally diverse cast of 7 main players with an additional 3 or 4  for ensemble and specific scenes.


The score includes beatboxing, hip hop, classical and pop music supporting Shakespeare and Bassano’s interplay between their written words as well as my own unique and playful style.


Currently spearheaded by Producer Victoria Meakin, Chair of Soho Rep Theater.


We have workshopped and presented three salons and will be presenting a 35 minute mini musical of highlights of the 2 act show this June to pitch to investors and producers. Dark Lady was also presented in the Minnesota Fringe festival.


This show is for girls, boys and any one who’s felt like an other which is all of us, isn’t it? 


You will leave this show learning about the first woman writer published in England and her work and looking at Shakespeare’s canon through a different lense while discovering the words and music of me, Alexa Babakhanian.

We have workshopped and presented three salons and will be presenting a 35 minute mini musical of highlights of the 2 act show this June to pitch to investors and producers. Dark Lady was also presented in the Minnesota Fringe festival.


Published writer, performer and composer, Alexa Babakhanian holds 2 degrees from the Juilliard school. Babakhanian champions, gives voice to and represents the unrepresented through her artistic output.


Her work “I Care Do You?” in collaboration with Malala was presented at The UN.


Her song “A Million Me’s” was featured at the Women’s March On Washington.


Her song cycle and Opera championing the Women Of Don Quixote was premiered at Lincoln Center where she was artist in residence.


Her work “Dark Lady” about Amelia Bassano who many consider Shakespeare’s muse depicted in his sonnets is her latest artistic offering in the form of a humorous, whimsical musical set in modern day featuring a culturally diverse cast. 


Her dynamic score includes beatboxing, hip hop, classical and pop music supporting Shakespeare and Bassano’s interplay between their written words as well as Babakhanian’s own unique and playful style.


Currently spearheaded by Producer Victoria Meakin, Chair of Soho Rep Theater.