The Mirror’s Revenge

Book by Jay Hartlove, Music by Kristoph Klover and Margaret Davis, Lyrics by Jay Hartlove

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This story is the sequel to the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.” It shows why the evil queen lost her mind to jealousy and tried to kill her stepdaughter Snow White. It also tells what happened after Snow was carried off by Prince Karl Charming, and how this really didn’t save her from the fate her stepmother had set in motion. The magic mirror turns out to be the actual villain. The mirror convinced the queen by subtle manipulation to kill Snow White. The mirror is in fact the spirit of the dead King Krosus, the archenemy of Snow White’s deceased father. Having failed to accomplish his revenge in the first story, Krosus is back to try again. In the same manner as Wicked and Malificent, this show is the rest of the story you think you know.

I directed and produced this show at Bay Area Stage in Vallejo, California for a three-week run in August 2018. The music was first produced as an album with session musicians in 2016. The instrumental tracks were used to develop the musical accompaniment for the stage. The sheet music was then transcribed for the actors to sing. The sheet music has been updated with the changes my Music Director made during rehearsals. I have all the tracks needed to run the show. There are two songs I would like to modify before the show is staged again. But other than those tracks, the show is ready for a new team to run it. The show can be run with as few as ten actors, so it is scalable.

Here are a couple of bonus film clips from rehearsals and shows.

Jay Hartlove is the award-winning author of five fantasy novels. ( He was selected for “50 Authors You Should Be Reading” by The Authors Show. He wrote, produced and directed The Mirror’s Revenge, the musical sequel to Snow White. He is a former award-winning competition costumer who has won Best in Show at the World Science Fiction Convention and San Diego Comic Con.


Kristoph Klover and Margaret Davis ( have been writing and producing music since 1993. They have produced over twenty albums of their own music as well as producing dozens of albums for other bands. They specialize in Celtic Rock fusion, which was perfect for this Snow White adaptation.

The Mirror’s Revenge

Book by Jay Hartlove, Music by Kristoph Klover and Margaret Davis, Lyrics by Jay Hartlove

Contact Email:

This story is the sequel to the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.” It shows why the evil queen lost her mind to jealousy and tried to kill her stepdaughter Snow White. It also tells what happened after Snow was carried off by Prince Karl Charming, and how this really didn’t save her from the fate her stepmother had set in motion. The magic mirror turns out to be the actual villain. The mirror convinced the queen by subtle manipulation to kill Snow White. The mirror is in fact the spirit of the dead King Krosus, the archenemy of Snow White’s deceased father. Having failed to accomplish his revenge in the first story, Krosus is back to try again. In the same manner as Wicked and Malificent, this show is the rest of the story you think you know.

I directed and produced this show at Bay Area Stage in Vallejo, California for a three-week run in August 2018. The music was first produced as an album with session musicians in 2016. The instrumental tracks were used to develop the musical accompaniment for the stage. The sheet music was then transcribed for the actors to sing. The sheet music has been updated with the changes my Music Director made during rehearsals. I have all the tracks needed to run the show. There are two songs I would like to modify before the show is staged again. But other than those tracks, the show is ready for a new team to run it. The show can be run with as few as ten actors, so it is scalable.

Here are a couple of bonus film clips from rehearsals and shows.

Jay Hartlove is the award-winning author of five fantasy novels. ( He was selected for “50 Authors You Should Be Reading” by The Authors Show. He wrote, produced and directed The Mirror’s Revenge, the musical sequel to Snow White. He is a former award-winning competition costumer who has won Best in Show at the World Science Fiction Convention and San Diego Comic Con.


Kristoph Klover and Margaret Davis ( have been writing and producing music since 1993. They have produced over twenty albums of their own music as well as producing dozens of albums for other bands. They specialize in Celtic Rock fusion, which was perfect for this Snow White adaptation.