A Dollar TITLE OF SOURCE: AUTHOR'S NAME - FIRST: LAST: DESCRIPTION: Visual Text [INGENUE starts sobbing. TRAGEDIAN laughs heavily.<br><br>COMEDIAN. [Turning over to the INGENUE.] What! You are crying? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?<br><br>INGENUE. I'm sad.<br><br>"OLD WOMAN." [Sniffling.] I can't stand it any longer.<br><br>HEROINE. Stop it! Or I'll start bawling, too.<br><br>[COMEDIAN springs to his knees and looks quickly from one woman to the other.<br><br>VILLAIN. Ha--ha! Cheer them up, clown!<br><br>COMEDIAN. [Jumps up abruptly without the aid of his hands.] Ladies and gentlemen, I have it! [In a measured and singing voice.] Ladies and gentlemen, I have it!<br><br>HEROINE. What have you?<br><br>COMEDIAN. Cheerfulness.<br><br>VILLAIN. Go bury yourself, clown.<br><br>TRAGEDIAN. [As before.] Ho-ho-ho!<br><br>"OLD MAN." P-o-o-h!<br><br>[The women weep all the louder.<br><br>COMEDIAN. I have--a bottle of whiskey!<br><br>[General commotion. The women stop crying and look up to the COMEDIAN in amazement; the TRAGEDIAN straightens himself out and casts a surprised look at the COMEDIAN; the "OLD MAN," rubbing his hands, jumps to his feet; the VILLAIN looks suspiciously at the COMEDIAN.<br><br>TRAGEDIAN. A bottle of whiskey?<br><br>"OLD MAN." He-he-he--A bottle of whiskey.<br><br>VILLAIN. Hum--whiskey.<br><br>COMEDIAN. You bet! COMMENTS: Visual Text CANDIDATE FOR ADAPTATION?: --- not set --- Not reviewed Promising Unlikely SOURCE MATERIAL: Fable Novella Play Plot summary Short Story -- Parent -- GENRE: Comedy Comic Horror Detective Drama Fable Fairy Tale Fantasy Folklore Folktale Ghost Story Melodrama Mystery Myth Operetta Other Romance Suspense Young Audiences -- Parent -- SETTING: Africa America England Europe Fantasy International New Zealand Pastoral Rural Rustic Science Fiction -- Parent -- LENGTH FOR ADAPTATION: 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes 90 Minutes Two Hours -- Parent -- URL FOR PDF DOCUMENT: ADollar.pdf