Bulger’s Reputation
by Bret HarteGenre: Drama
Format of Original Source: Short Story
Recommended Adaptation Length:
Candidate for Adaptation? Not Likely
“As there don’t seem to be no hotel hereabouts, I reckon I kin put up my mustang here and have a shakedown somewhere behind that counter,” he said. His voice seemed to have added to its natural depth the hoarseness of frequent overstraining.
“Ye ain’t got no bunk to spare, you boys, hev ye?” asked Mosby, evasively, glancing at Percy Briggs without looking at the stranger. We all looked at Briggs also; it was HIS affair after all–HE had originated this opposition. To our surprise he said nothing.
The stranger leaned heavily on the counter.
“I was speaking to YOU,” he said, with his eyes on Mosby, and slightly accenting the pronoun with a tap of his revolver butt on the bar. “Ye don’t seem to catch on.”
Mosby smiled feebly, and again cast an imploring glance at Briggs. To our greater astonishment, Briggs said, quietly: “Why don’t you answer the stranger, Mosby?”
No one wants nasty Bulger to stay in the town of Rattlesnake Camp, and things come to a head just before the trick ending. Probably not adaptable — it’s all about the final moment.