The Boy Will

by Robert Emmons Rogers

Genre: Drama
Setting: England
Format of Original Source: Play
Recommended Adaptation Length:

Candidate for Adaptation? Not Reviewed


MISTRESS S. [alarmed]. Must go, Will? [He kneels by her side.]

WILL. [tenderly]. Hush, mother, I’ll tell thee. ‘Tis not entirely my longing, for this morning the keeper of old Lucy–

GILES. Ha, poaching again, young scamp!

WILL. Brought me before him–I was na poaching, I’ll swear it, not so much as chasing the deer–but Sir Thomas had no patience, and bade me clear out, else he would seize me. I–I–dare na stay.

MISTRESS S. I feared it; thy father forbade thee in the great park. And now–Oh, Will, Will–I know well how thou’st longed to go from here–and now thou must–what shall I do, lacking thee?

PEELE [frankly]. Will, if thou must go, thou must. London is greater than Stratford, and there is much evil there, but thou’rt true-hearted, and–by my player’s honor–I will stand by thee, till the hangman get me. But we must go soon. ‘Tis a dark road to Warwick–I’ll see to the horses. Is it a compact? [WILL gives him his hands.]

WILL [huskily]. A compact, sir–to the end. [PEELE hurries out.]

GILES. Look at ‘e now, breaking ‘is mother’s heart, and mad wi’ joy to revel in London. ‘Tis little ‘e recks of she.

WILL [hotly]. Thou liest. [Bending over her] Mother, ’tis not true. I do love thee and father, I love Stratford. I’ll never forget it. But ’tis so little here, and I must get away to gain learning and do things i’ the world, that I may bring home all I get; fame, if God grant it, money, if I gain it, all to those at home.


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