The Caller in the Night

by Burton Kline

Genre: Ghost Story
Format of Original Source: Short Story
Recommended Adaptation Length: Two Hours

Candidate for Adaptation? Promising


“Yes, yes! I’m telling! I’ll hurry. Then I grow big. Seventeen. My mother call me her little giantess, her handsome darling, her conceited fool, all at the same time. I never understood my mother–then.

“But then, one day, it came!”

The woman pressed her fingers against her eyes, as if to shut out the vision her mind was preparing.

“Everything changed then. Everything was different. No more nights with stories and books. No more about New York and Phil’delph. Never again.

“I was out in the yard one day, on my knees, with the flowers. It was Springtime, and I was digging and fixing. And I heard a horse’s hoofs on the road. A runaway, I thought at first. I stood up to look, and–” She faltered, and then choked out, “I stood up to look, and the man came!” And with the words came a crash that rocked the house.

“Hear that!” the woman almost shrieked. “That’s him–that’s the man. I hear him in every storm!…


At quick glance we can’t tell if this a ghost story, or an angel story — or something else?


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