The Little Man TITLE OF SOURCE: AUTHOR'S NAME - FIRST: LAST: DESCRIPTION: Visual Text AMERICAN. What does that body-snatcher say?<br><br>GERMAN. He say this man use the baby to save himself from arrest. Very smart--he say.<br><br>AMERICAN. I judge you do him an injustice. [Showing off the LITTLE MAN with a sweep of his arm.] This is a vurry white man. He's got a black baby, and he won't leave it in the lurch. Guess we would all act noble, that way, give us the chance. [The LITTLE MAN rises, holding out the BABY, and advances a step or two. The half-moon at once gives, increasing its size; the AMERICAN climbs onto a higher trunk. The LITTLE MAN retires and again sits down.]<br><br>AMERICAN [addressing the OFFICIAL]. Guess you'd better go out of business and wait for the mother.<br><br>OFFICIAL [stamping his foot]. Die Mutter sall 'rested be for taking out baby mit typhus. Ha! [To the LITTLE MAN.] Put ze baby down! [The LITTLE MAN smiles.] Do you 'ear?<br><br>AMERICAN [addressing the OFFICIAL]. Now, see here. 'Pears to me you don't suspicion just how beautiful this is. Here we have a man giving his life for that old baby that's got no claim on him. This is not a baby of his own making. No, sir, this a vurry Christ-like proposition in the gentleman.<br><br>OFFICIAL. Put ze baby down, or ich will gommand someone it to do.<br><br>AMERICAN. That will be vurry interesting to watch.<br><br>OFFICIAL [to POLICEMAN]. Nehmen Sie den Buben. Dake it vrom him. [The POLICEMAN mutters, but does not.]<br><br>AMERICAN [to the GERMAN]. Guess I lost that.<br><br>GERMAN. He say he is not his officer.<br><br>AMERICAN. That just tickles me to death.<br><br>OFFICIAL [looking round]. Vill nobody dake ze Bub'?<br><br>ENGLISHWOMAN [moving a step--faintly]. Yes--I--<br><br>ENGLISHMAN [grasping her arm]. By Jove! Will you!<br><br>OFFICIAL [gathering himself for a great effort to take the BABY, and advancing two steps]. Zen I gommand you--[He stops and his voice dies away.] Zit dere!<br><br>AMERICAN. My! That's wonderful. What a man this is! What a sublime sense of duty! COMMENTS: Visual Text CANDIDATE FOR ADAPTATION?: --- not set --- Not reviewed Promising Unlikely SOURCE MATERIAL: Fable Novella Play Plot summary Short Story -- Parent -- GENRE: Comedy Comic Horror Detective Drama Fable Fairy Tale Fantasy Folklore Folktale Ghost Story Melodrama Mystery Myth Operetta Other Romance Suspense Young Audiences -- Parent -- SETTING: Africa America England Europe Fantasy International New Zealand Pastoral Rural Rustic Science Fiction -- Parent -- LENGTH FOR ADAPTATION: 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes 90 Minutes Two Hours -- Parent -- URL FOR PDF DOCUMENT: TheLittleMan.pdf