The Pot Boiler TITLE OF SOURCE: AUTHOR'S NAME - FIRST: LAST: DESCRIPTION: Visual Text MRS. PENCIL [in fury of jealousy opens door and enters in rage]. Coward! Villain!--I have been listening behind that door--all your false vows to me!<br><br>INKWELL [he tries to choke her]. Don't yell so!<br><br>MRS. PENCIL [in ordinary tone]. I will yell!<br><br>SUD [delighted]. Of course, she will! Shriek good, Mrs. Pencil.<br><br>MRS. PENCIL [shrieks]. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!<br><br>INKWELL [they struggle. Grabs Mrs. Pencil to put his hand over her mouth]. Stop--! Stop!<br><br>SUD. Tussle! Tussle! The audience loves it!<br><br>[They fight.]<br><br>WOULDBY. But what did Inkwell do?<br><br>SUD [talks fast over shoulder to Wouldby like a man in a fast auto talks to another passing]. Can't you tell. Haven't decided yet! Explanation in last act. No time now. Reaching climax of play. Keep it up! Keep it up!<br><br>MRS. PENCIL [yelling]. Oh! The treachery--perjury--You are not fit to live! I'll have my revenge--Revenge! Bing! Bang! [She grabs revolver from table and shoots Inkwell. He falls back and obligingly lies upon the table.] I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!<br><br>MISS IVORY [having heard the shot and shrieks, runs in from the wing]. Oh--who's hurt?<br><br>MRS. PENCIL [turning and aiming revolver at Miss Ivory]. Don't come near him or I'll shoot you! COMMENTS: Visual Text CANDIDATE FOR ADAPTATION?: --- not set --- Not reviewed Promising Unlikely SOURCE MATERIAL: Fable Novella Play Plot summary Short Story -- Parent -- GENRE: Comedy Comic Horror Detective Drama Fable Fairy Tale Fantasy Folklore Folktale Ghost Story Melodrama Mystery Myth Operetta Other Romance Suspense Young Audiences -- Parent -- SETTING: Africa America England Europe Fantasy International New Zealand Pastoral Rural Rustic Science Fiction -- Parent -- LENGTH FOR ADAPTATION: 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes 90 Minutes Two Hours -- Parent -- URL FOR PDF DOCUMENT: ThePotBoiler.pdf