The Subjection Of Kezia TITLE OF SOURCE: AUTHOR'S NAME - FIRST: LAST: DESCRIPTION: Visual Text JOE. Well, what now?<br><br>[Matthew bends down to Joe's ear and whispers.]<br><br>MATTHEW. We must go and buy the cane.<br><br>JOE. Sakes!<br><br>MATTHEW. Bear up! It'll all be over by this time to-morrow night, and that's a great stand by, isn't it?<br><br>JOE. I suppose it is. [Gloomily.] Who'll be spokesman over the buyin'?<br><br>MATTHEW. Me, my son. How far will 'e go i' price?<br><br>[Joe shakes his head and looks wearily at Matthew.]<br><br>JOE. It's no odds to me, Matthey; I don't know and don't care!<br><br>MATTHEW. Will sixpence ruin 'e?<br><br>JOE. It's all ruin. I'm sweatin' like a bull with fear and shame, and wish I was dead and buried.<br><br>[Matthew points to the door and the two men move slowly towards it.]<br><br>MATTHEW. It's just on nine o'clock. Kezia will be back afore we start if we don't mind. Don't stop to think when you come back, but rush right in and set at it at once, and she'll have time to come round before you settle for the night. Bein' Saturday night, all the neighbors be mostly i' town shoppin', and if there should be a scream I'll make up a yarn to any one who comes near as 'll stop all gossip. I shan't be far off till I reckon it's all over.<br><br>[Joe's teeth are set and his head down, and he gazes at the door and then at Matthew, irresolutely.]<br><br>MATTHEW. Thee deserves to lose her if thee be real chicken-hearted like this 'ere.<br><br>[Joe makes a dart forward, unlatches the door, rushes out followed by Matthew.]<br><br>MATTHEW [outside]. Go round by the croft and then we shan't meet her coming home.<br><br>[After a pause the door slowly opens and Kezia comes in. COMMENTS: Visual Text CANDIDATE FOR ADAPTATION?: --- not set --- Not reviewed Promising Unlikely SOURCE MATERIAL: Fable Novella Play Plot summary Short Story -- Parent -- GENRE: Comedy Comic Horror Detective Drama Fable Fairy Tale Fantasy Folklore Folktale Ghost Story Melodrama Mystery Myth Operetta Other Romance Suspense Young Audiences -- Parent -- SETTING: Africa America England Europe Fantasy International New Zealand Pastoral Rural Rustic Science Fiction -- Parent -- LENGTH FOR ADAPTATION: 10 Minutes 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes 90 Minutes Two Hours -- Parent -- URL FOR PDF DOCUMENT: TheSubjectionOfKezia.pdf