The Weaver Who Clad the Summer

by Harris Merton Lyon

Genre: Romance
Format of Original Source: Short Story
Recommended Adaptation Length: 60 Minutes

Candidate for Adaptation? Promising


Well may you believe that the departing of that first Summer was a sad matter to him. He had done his best, you see, and a whole new world of trying had been thrown open to him. And really he was beginning to get the knack of that kind of weaving. And she was a fine big apple-cheeked woman now, and–

“Well, if I do say it myself,” growled Andy, “she looks very handsome in those dresses; and for the first time in my life I take a Pride in my Work.”

But in spite of all that the Voice came, you must know, and told him this little dream-girl must die, and there would be another, a different little girl next year; and all the weaving must be gone through with again.

“Shall I be weaving this lass her shroud?” asked Andy of the Voice.

But the Voice did not answer him.

When Andy told all this to her, his first Summer cried for a whole week in amongst the trees and over the pastures and meadows–

And then one morning, she was no longer there.


Beautiful poetic (Irish) language; the stuff of fantastic lyrics. A love story against a background of a theatrical performer. Metaphoric, ethereal, delicate. Very much worth a look if this is your genre.


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