by AA MilneGenre: Comedy
Setting: England
Format of Original Source: Play
Recommended Adaptation Length:
Candidate for Adaptation? Promising
VIOLA. We’re all right now, father, because we shall have fifty thousand pounds.
RICHARD [sadly]. Oh, Viola, Viola!
CRAWSHAW. But naturally this puts a very different complexion on matters.
VIOLA. So of course he must take it, mustn’t he, father?
CRAWSHAW. I can hardly suppose, Richard, that you expect me to entrust my daughter to a man who is so little provident for himself that he throws away fifty thousand pounds because of some fanciful objection to the name which goes with it.
RICHARD [in despair]. You don’t understand, Robert.
CRAWSHAW. I understand this, Richard. That if the name is good enough for me, it should be good enough for you. You don’t mind asking Viola to take your name, but you consider it an insult if you are asked to take my name.
RICHARD [miserably to VIOLA]. Do you want to be Mrs. Wurzel-Flummery?
VIOLA. Well, I’m going to be Miss Wurzel-Flummery anyhow, darling.